Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Simplicity, itself

Out with the old!

Ideas like Feng Shui have been in use in our
country for a while now, sometimes more in vogue
 (read: 'fad') than others. But as times and the world
around us become more and more complicated, 
people's brains are seeking means of controlling
the things they can: Their immediate environment.

Cutting out clutter has been the focus of some
Americans for a while now. Whether inspired by 
spiritual beliefs of an Eastern nature, being scared
by watching episodes of "Hoarders," or being 
inspired by the great George Carlin bit on 'Americans
and their stuff,' clearing out one's space has been
a steadily growing idea.

The idea of having a less-crowded, more-simplified
living space in order to produce a less-stressed, 
more-relaxed person is a great one. Getting the 
American public to give up purchasing 'stuff'
after decades of having their identity made to
seem dependent on said stuff...that's taken 
some time to change.
But, the more distressed people become, and the more 
powerless they feel about what's happening in the world,
I imagine more will find solace in reducing their belongings.

In recent years, the 'tidying up' and 'purging' movements
have picked up more steam, in part thanks to endorsements 
like Oprah Winfrey's. But even before this, we were seeing 
trends like 'life coaching' and 'professional organizing'
becoming more popular.

It takes time for concepts to spread and for people to 
become open to the changing of mind and habit...but 
we're getting there.


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